Same Old.
Mood: Bored
Music: Finch - Brother Bleed Brother
So I'm just home bored on a Monday night... first time I've just been chilled out and bumming online in a few days, so it's nice, figured I'd just drop another update. The parental units (step mom and daddie) are off to the states this coming wedesday for daddies comedy's tour... they've been rehearsing in the house the last couple of weeks, it should be a hit... well, at least it is with me. I mean, the thing is bloody hilarious. Should be nice to have an element of added freedom while they're gone... i hope. And hopefully i can request for some cool shit from the states; if that pulls through, well... Berry nayce!
After my last post, my tito Gil died, so I was at the wake a few times towards the end of the week... though I wasn't close to the guy, it did seriously make me question mortality and like... the frailty of human life, the importance of those you love and the relationships you have with them, and the even greater importance of not taking those relationships for granted cuz they could be gone from one day to the next. Death is heavy stuff... I never really know how to respond to things like that, or where to place myself or how to act at funerals/wakes etc. *shrugs* I guess I've also been lucky? (i don't really believe in luck, but whatever) to not have lost anyone yet I was super close to... It was kinda weird though since I just saw tito Gil like... a few weeks ago, alive and well. *sighs* R.I.P. Tito.
I was at the wake till early morning Friday, and though i didn't sleep toooooo late, the idiot that I am forgot to turn his phone off silent, despite setting my alarm so I missed Arch 1 Friday... hope Sir Alex doesn't fail me, though I'm really walking a thin line. Stupid stupid STUPID STUPID STUPID man = I. Maybe my karma was the fastfood commercial... they lacked budget so they dropped a couple people, myself included. Apparently I have to give the people without projects a chance or some bullshit like that. Not that I care all THAT much, but it would have been fun doing another commercial with Alexa, and hanging out with Denise, Bryce and some of the other people since I've never done anything with them. Not to mention money is money. I wanna do a project with nandro dammit. Sorry, random, la lang. Theres many other projects to come, hopefully :)
Speaking of projects and money, i FINALLY got bloody paid for the Jack and Jill shoot i did like.. ages ago, but I haven't been able to deposit it yet since I keep forgetting banks close at 3pm... maybe cuz my brain only starts working at like... 5... but whatever. Tomorrow I shall do it after Arch 1 on the way to Makati. Need... New... Phone... k... 7... 5... 0... i... *drools* Camera pa. Soon Jay, soon.
The weekend was a super fun one... after picking up my check with Hans on Friday, we hung out at Jennys house for a bit, then went to greenbelt... While hans was watching some play the rep people made him watch, I met up with Cem for a while, which was cool since I hadn't seem him in a few weeks, then we met up with a bunch of people at Pepatos... mostly Brent alums from the batch above me. Uhm... leseee... after Hans introduced me to his rep friends and we drank for a while, then we went to Temple to meet up with Gerrick, Nandro, Luce and a lot of other people. Stayed for a few hours incessantly waiting for my "free drinks" that Gerrax promised, which, naturally never came, so fuckit... *note to self: never rely on Gerrax for free drinks at Temple*
After that, Nandro, Luce and I checked out Saris party at Temple, where I saw a lot of my highschool friends, very very cool. More inuman, fun fun fun... Ended up eating at Isshin. Yum. Saturday, went to Lamangan practice for the AF applicants, then met up with Anj and her sister at Araneta to watch the FEU-UP game, which, sadly we lost. :( Its ok, GO MAROONS nonetheless. They played a good game, and I still feel like had a few factors been different we could have won. Next time. Saturday night, Severo and Salamin at the hole; family affair, Gab was actually present for once, and of course Pao and Ange were there with the rest of the usual gang. Even Kiana was there for a little bit with Tita Angelia for some VTR thing they shot outside the hole for tito Gary's bday. *shrugs* Don't ask, cuz I don't know. Salamin gets better every time I see them. Props. I <3. And the more i hear Pao... damn... Pinsan, if you were not my kasin, and if I were a chick or not straight. Dear god, I would jump you, as long as you are singing. K... moving on, I can't believe I just typed that. Wait. Yes I can. Whatever... hahaha.
Inuman at Mika's house after, had a bonding session with Jor, very cool... I really like the dude. And i mean comeon, who doesn't wanna make friends with a bonafide rockstar?! Naks hahaha. Met lots of new people too, also very cool. Ended up drinking til Early morning, ie. sun very very up na, hence a bunch of us ended up going with Mika and her family to church, tangina, what a trip... walang tulog pa, pucha... And then after you'd think we'd all go home and sleep right, but NO, after that, rockwell and a movie pucha... Hahaha. Sleep deprivation is fun sometimes. The shit you do and say. Try it sometime if you haven't ;) Slept like a ROCK though when i got home. Sabagay. Fun fun weekend. :)
Hung out at Pearl today after class (which I didn't go to... haynako) and saw Reg for a bit, then visited Bravo at his new place, which I had never been to. I haven't seen that fucker in a while, good hanging with him. Ben stopped by for a bit too, I missed both of those guys. Hopefully I'll see more of them in the future. I told them to try and go to Saguijo tomorrow... Hope I can make it... 99% sure at this point though. I wanna see Salamin again... tangina, im turning into a diehard fan. Lol. They have pseudohired me as their "soundtech" anyways. When I got home, Baby Y made me kuwento about her weekend, I couldn't stop laughing. I swear, that girl cracks me up. I labs my seestor. :) And its like i feel like im vicariously living high school again through her... its kinda cool. Funny pa how similar our weekends were. Hahaha. Well, not really. Basta. Laugh trip. Love you baby Y!
School tomorrow. Shit. Well, that's life. Better force myself to sleep.
PS. New finch album? <3 Different sound for sure. RAGE!!!! Hahaha. Not sure what I thought when I listened to it the first time... I definitely liked it though, and it's really grown on me. Hasn't left my cd player for a day or two now. Thanks for the copy, albeit incomplete, Hans. :) "Anger... Fear... Agression.... These lead to the dark side...." Fuck you Yoda... at least the dark side makes for good grooves hahaha. IMMMMM OUTAAA CONTROOOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Music: Finch - Brother Bleed Brother
So I'm just home bored on a Monday night... first time I've just been chilled out and bumming online in a few days, so it's nice, figured I'd just drop another update. The parental units (step mom and daddie) are off to the states this coming wedesday for daddies comedy's tour... they've been rehearsing in the house the last couple of weeks, it should be a hit... well, at least it is with me. I mean, the thing is bloody hilarious. Should be nice to have an element of added freedom while they're gone... i hope. And hopefully i can request for some cool shit from the states; if that pulls through, well... Berry nayce!
After my last post, my tito Gil died, so I was at the wake a few times towards the end of the week... though I wasn't close to the guy, it did seriously make me question mortality and like... the frailty of human life, the importance of those you love and the relationships you have with them, and the even greater importance of not taking those relationships for granted cuz they could be gone from one day to the next. Death is heavy stuff... I never really know how to respond to things like that, or where to place myself or how to act at funerals/wakes etc. *shrugs* I guess I've also been lucky? (i don't really believe in luck, but whatever) to not have lost anyone yet I was super close to... It was kinda weird though since I just saw tito Gil like... a few weeks ago, alive and well. *sighs* R.I.P. Tito.
I was at the wake till early morning Friday, and though i didn't sleep toooooo late, the idiot that I am forgot to turn his phone off silent, despite setting my alarm so I missed Arch 1 Friday... hope Sir Alex doesn't fail me, though I'm really walking a thin line. Stupid stupid STUPID STUPID STUPID man = I. Maybe my karma was the fastfood commercial... they lacked budget so they dropped a couple people, myself included. Apparently I have to give the people without projects a chance or some bullshit like that. Not that I care all THAT much, but it would have been fun doing another commercial with Alexa, and hanging out with Denise, Bryce and some of the other people since I've never done anything with them. Not to mention money is money. I wanna do a project with nandro dammit. Sorry, random, la lang. Theres many other projects to come, hopefully :)
Speaking of projects and money, i FINALLY got bloody paid for the Jack and Jill shoot i did like.. ages ago, but I haven't been able to deposit it yet since I keep forgetting banks close at 3pm... maybe cuz my brain only starts working at like... 5... but whatever. Tomorrow I shall do it after Arch 1 on the way to Makati. Need... New... Phone... k... 7... 5... 0... i... *drools* Camera pa. Soon Jay, soon.
The weekend was a super fun one... after picking up my check with Hans on Friday, we hung out at Jennys house for a bit, then went to greenbelt... While hans was watching some play the rep people made him watch, I met up with Cem for a while, which was cool since I hadn't seem him in a few weeks, then we met up with a bunch of people at Pepatos... mostly Brent alums from the batch above me. Uhm... leseee... after Hans introduced me to his rep friends and we drank for a while, then we went to Temple to meet up with Gerrick, Nandro, Luce and a lot of other people. Stayed for a few hours incessantly waiting for my "free drinks" that Gerrax promised, which, naturally never came, so fuckit... *note to self: never rely on Gerrax for free drinks at Temple*
After that, Nandro, Luce and I checked out Saris party at Temple, where I saw a lot of my highschool friends, very very cool. More inuman, fun fun fun... Ended up eating at Isshin. Yum. Saturday, went to Lamangan practice for the AF applicants, then met up with Anj and her sister at Araneta to watch the FEU-UP game, which, sadly we lost. :( Its ok, GO MAROONS nonetheless. They played a good game, and I still feel like had a few factors been different we could have won. Next time. Saturday night, Severo and Salamin at the hole; family affair, Gab was actually present for once, and of course Pao and Ange were there with the rest of the usual gang. Even Kiana was there for a little bit with Tita Angelia for some VTR thing they shot outside the hole for tito Gary's bday. *shrugs* Don't ask, cuz I don't know. Salamin gets better every time I see them. Props. I <3. And the more i hear Pao... damn... Pinsan, if you were not my kasin, and if I were a chick or not straight. Dear god, I would jump you, as long as you are singing. K... moving on, I can't believe I just typed that. Wait. Yes I can. Whatever... hahaha.
Inuman at Mika's house after, had a bonding session with Jor, very cool... I really like the dude. And i mean comeon, who doesn't wanna make friends with a bonafide rockstar?! Naks hahaha. Met lots of new people too, also very cool. Ended up drinking til Early morning, ie. sun very very up na, hence a bunch of us ended up going with Mika and her family to church, tangina, what a trip... walang tulog pa, pucha... And then after you'd think we'd all go home and sleep right, but NO, after that, rockwell and a movie pucha... Hahaha. Sleep deprivation is fun sometimes. The shit you do and say. Try it sometime if you haven't ;) Slept like a ROCK though when i got home. Sabagay. Fun fun weekend. :)
Hung out at Pearl today after class (which I didn't go to... haynako) and saw Reg for a bit, then visited Bravo at his new place, which I had never been to. I haven't seen that fucker in a while, good hanging with him. Ben stopped by for a bit too, I missed both of those guys. Hopefully I'll see more of them in the future. I told them to try and go to Saguijo tomorrow... Hope I can make it... 99% sure at this point though. I wanna see Salamin again... tangina, im turning into a diehard fan. Lol. They have pseudohired me as their "soundtech" anyways. When I got home, Baby Y made me kuwento about her weekend, I couldn't stop laughing. I swear, that girl cracks me up. I labs my seestor. :) And its like i feel like im vicariously living high school again through her... its kinda cool. Funny pa how similar our weekends were. Hahaha. Well, not really. Basta. Laugh trip. Love you baby Y!
School tomorrow. Shit. Well, that's life. Better force myself to sleep.

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