What A Week.
Mood: Bored
Music: Fallout Boy - Dance Dance
This past week was rather eventful; Complicated at the very least, but fun, stressful, and busy all at once for sure. All part of life! Got the new tattoo I've been wanting last Tuesday at Mike's... Geoff did this one too, so both of mine are by him... Should be back for the next one as soon as I find someone to put the arabic I want in the style of calligraphy that tickles my fanny hehehe. This one hurt a bit more than the back one at times, but for the most part it was ok... just some bits around the ankle bone and obviously the back... Really happy with it... Ainara came along with me so I could see her before she left back for Spain and she ended up getting one too!
Later that day, I also got my ears pierced 5 more times... the normal lobe ones though... I'd been thinking about it for a while and the whole day was kind of a "what the hell... why not?" sorta mood, plus I was a little annoyed with some stuff so I went for it... Loved it immediately. Some bastard on the jeepney on Saturday hit me really hard as he was getting out and popped two on my right ear out so I had to get those two repierced earlier. Son of a bitch. I wanted to kick his ass! Pao came with me earlier and he got two as well... they look pretty good and he wants to go back for one more hehehe. We went to Alabang to pick up some stuff then hung out with X and Baby X real quick before meeting Nandro and Recto at Rockwell to watch a movie... Dukes of Hazard, quite funny actually, I liked it!
Ugh. Lazy to write too much all of a sudden. School was school... went to class (seriously!) and did all the paperwork for the classes I need to drop. Got some good news today from my Socio10 prof, who told me I didn't have to drop anymore, which means I only have to drop three classes instead of the previous understanding of 3. Yay! Something to make my parents less mad at me! -_- Had a couple Sarah's sessions last week, obviously good fun... Watched Hans' play, in which he was excellent, I'm so proud of him! Uhm... Tito Gary's concert on Friday, Jamming for Arkaira in school Saturday, then the game vs. La Salle, then Baby X's bday party, which was super fun... Sunday was Tita Gina's bday party here in the house; got to see cila Meg and Nascar was here for Baby Y, so that was fun too. Ok, yeah, I'm getting lazier and lazier... dahaha. Bye!
Music: Fallout Boy - Dance Dance

Later that day, I also got my ears pierced 5 more times... the normal lobe ones though... I'd been thinking about it for a while and the whole day was kind of a "what the hell... why not?" sorta mood, plus I was a little annoyed with some stuff so I went for it... Loved it immediately. Some bastard on the jeepney on Saturday hit me really hard as he was getting out and popped two on my right ear out so I had to get those two repierced earlier. Son of a bitch. I wanted to kick his ass! Pao came with me earlier and he got two as well... they look pretty good and he wants to go back for one more hehehe. We went to Alabang to pick up some stuff then hung out with X and Baby X real quick before meeting Nandro and Recto at Rockwell to watch a movie... Dukes of Hazard, quite funny actually, I liked it!
Ugh. Lazy to write too much all of a sudden. School was school... went to class (seriously!) and did all the paperwork for the classes I need to drop. Got some good news today from my Socio10 prof, who told me I didn't have to drop anymore, which means I only have to drop three classes instead of the previous understanding of 3. Yay! Something to make my parents less mad at me! -_- Had a couple Sarah's sessions last week, obviously good fun... Watched Hans' play, in which he was excellent, I'm so proud of him! Uhm... Tito Gary's concert on Friday, Jamming for Arkaira in school Saturday, then the game vs. La Salle, then Baby X's bday party, which was super fun... Sunday was Tita Gina's bday party here in the house; got to see cila Meg and Nascar was here for Baby Y, so that was fun too. Ok, yeah, I'm getting lazier and lazier... dahaha. Bye!