On The Road...
Music: Taking Back Sunday - Bonus Mosh, Pt.2
It's been three days now since I haven't been home. I can't decide if I feel like it's been a long overdue holiday or a stressful panic driven struggle to get my shit in order. Whatever the case, it hasn't been all that bad. I was a bit ticked off at my mother, not so much for kicking me out, but more for trying to cut off my lifelines one by one once I had already left the house by telling certain people not to help me out. What can you do?
I've been staying with my friend Alec since Monday night, but he's in school most of the day so I don't see much of him. I'm really happy that his family took me in without any qualms; I've always been close to them and he's one of my best friends, so I guess it's no big surprise... maybe it's my good karma for helping some people out when they got kicked out. My turn now I guess? Haha. But it hasn't been bad really... I've had at least two square meals a day, a bed to sleep in, clothes on my back... Aside from being broke off my ass and being a confused person in general, life's good.
In all seriousness though, I've been trying to be quite serious about getting my shit together now that I've been away from home. Maybe I just needed to get outa that hellhole to do it, who knows. So far, I've mad a couple phone calls and done some homework talking to connections and such. I was supposed to go to UP today to see what i could do about getting into the school of music there, but there was a big logistical fuckup, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow I guess. On Friday and Saturday theres one of those UK college fair chuba chuba ek ek bullshit thingies in town, so I'll be sure to check that out. It's at Edsa Shang, walking distance from where I'm staying, so logistics should really be no problem.
Been doing a lot of thinking though about how my life is really gonna work out. For the first time in a long while, I feel undecided again, but i think its just a battle between reason and emotion. I'm just giving myself time to resolve internal conflict. Anyways, I've just been killing time while Alec finishes his exam and its over now so I have to go meet him... This fucky i-net cafe's browser settings are fucked and cookies are disabled (only a retarded gazelle would know why) so I can't get into my email, much to my annoyance, so sorry if I don't email for a while. My bad. I'll try and check in again when I can get to cheaper i-net (by cheap i mean free) or when I can exploit the charity of people again. Laters.