
Mood: Content
Music: Funeral For A Friend - 10:45 Amsterdam Conversation
After a generally bad weekend, i didn't things would get much better today, but surprisingly, I had tons of fun and am in a really good mood despite being really tired. My call time was at 7am for the Red Horse Musik Laban shoot, which has got to be the most fun shoot I have ever done. The crew and the other talents were really cool, plus we all got to be dumb and rock out all day long, so it really didn't feel like work at all. I'm really excited for the plugs to come out, the replays looked pretty cool. The shoot left me pretty tired though, but its all in a days work. I got everyones numbers, since there were some really cool people I met, so I hope to be seeing them around.
The only downside to today was that I still haven't done my work for Arch 1 which I need to finish for Tuesday, and I'm really too drained to do anything right now... I'm probably just going to sleep after dinner and try and get some work when I wake up really early tomorrow. The workshop for the fastfood thing is tomorrow at 3pm, so I guess I'll have to go straight from class, then go straight home and finish up my stuff for tuesday then study for my test. *Crosses fingers* I hope it all works out, I really cannot afford to fail that class. When that's all over and done with, I think I'll reward myself Tuesday night, watch a movie or something... The assistant director from earlier, Bombie, did a indie flick thats showing in UP on Tuesday so I might just hang around campus and catch that while hanging with him, very cool dude.
Wednesday, hopefully I can jam with Hans for a little bit, maybe if we actually jam more we could even join Musiklaban... haha probably not this year... I hope next year. But actually for the most part I gotta do all my catchup work for Arch 2, which needs to be done by Thursday... It's all drawing, so I'm a bit scared, but hey, practice makes perfect. I suppose if I try drawing something other than stick figures, sooner or later I have to AT LEAST improve, even if it's just a little hehe. So yeah, thats my plan for this week, hope it works out, cuz usually plans I make never go as planned. Whatever. *Crosses fingers again* *Yawn* Time to eat and sleep, I'm hungry and tired. Shalom!